God exists whether you believe in Him or not
Though many people deny that God exists, it doesn’t change the truth. God exists whether we believe in Him or not. Try standing in the middle of a freeway and say that you don’t believe in trucks! Just like a painting is proof in itself that there was a painter, creation is proof in itself that there is a Creator. Most people say they believe that God exists, but do they really live like He does? Think about it… if God is real, then what else really matters? If eternity really means forever and ever without end, then what on Earth is more important than where you spend eternity?
Romans 1:19-20 | Psalm 19:1 | Psalm 14:1
You have sinned against God
Have you ever noticed that you never have to teach a child to lie or steal? They kind of figure it out on their own… Instead, we have to train our kids to make right choices. Why is that? The Bible (God’s Word) teaches that we have all inherited a sinful nature (meaning we naturally tend to do things we know are wrong). The Bible says that all have sinned. We sin by nature, and by choice. We first learn to sin against our parents, then maybe our siblings, and then when we get older we tend to sin against other people. However, at the end of the day, all sins are actually sins against God Himself.
Romans 3:9-19 | Romans 3:23 | Romans 5:12 | Psalm 51:4
The wages of sin is death
God is a good God, and a just judge. That simply means that He must punish evil. The problem for us is that we have all done evil things. When we compare ourselves to other people we may not seem all that bad, but when we compare ourselves to God’s perfect and holy law we all fall short. The Bible teaches that eternity in Hell is the tragic fate of all those who die without being redeemed from their sins. Without God’s forgiveness, we are destined to an eternity of conscious torment for the sins we have committed against Him.
Exodus 23:7 | Romans 6:23 | Revelation 20:11-15 | Revelation 21:8
The gift of God is eternal life
God is not only good and just, He is also loving and merciful. He desires to forgive all who would turn to Him. But how can He do this for sinners? How can a good and just God forgive sinful people as if they were innocent? God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to be born of a virgin (without a sinful nature), live a perfect life, and die on a cross for our sins. His sacrifice satisfied the wrath of God that was due to us, and paid the debt that our sins earned. This is how God could be both just and merciful at the same time.
Romans 3:23-26 | Romans 5:8 | Romans 6:23
A “scandal” is something that is disgraceful, shameful or shocking. What God did on behalf of sinners was scandalous. He was disgraced and shamed in our place. We were created in the image of a good, just, loving and merciful God, and even though we have sinned against Him and deserve His wrath He chose instead to pour out His wrath on Jesus, who willingly died in our place as a guilty sinner. Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later claiming the authority to forgive any who turn to Him in faith and repentance. There is nothing you could have done to earn forgiveness, so Jesus earned it for you and offers it freely if you would receive it.
What does God want from you in response?
He wants your heart! He wants you to turn to Him in repentance, and receive the forgiveness of sins. He doesn’t want you to just pay lip service (saying that you love Him with your mouth, but denying Him by your deeds)… He wants all of you. Do you believe He‘s worth it?
You can pray something like this…
God, I confess that I have sinned against You and I deserve the penalty. I don’t want the penalty, and I believe that You paid it for me already by Your sinless blood on the cross. Jesus, I pray that You send Your Spirit to live inside of me to empower me to turn from my sins and change me into the person You want me to be.
Remember, saying a prayer doesn’t save you; repentance from sins and faith in Christ does. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes from hearing the Word of God. To help you continue in your faith, read the Bible (The Word of God) and obey what you read. Find a Bible Believing Church and get connected.
If you have made a decision to follow Jesus, or have any questions after reading this, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us, or fill out the form below.