Reading the PTF Guideposts
The Guideposts can help us to recognize the areas of our life where we need to surrender to God. They are not “steps” but Biblically based truths that will help one move from the bondage of sin to freedom in Jesus Christ!
Often, many well-meaning and dedicated “Christian” people try hard to have a healthy relationship with God, but somehow just come up short of experiencing the “abundant life” that Jesus spoke of. In fact, rather than the joy and freedom of the “abundant life”, many believers continually battle with things like guilt, shame, anger, hurt, unforgiveness, etc. While we can try and blame our dilemma on the devil or someone else, often we face the real culprit when we stand in front of a mirror! It’s our destructive thoughts, behaviors, or bondages that continually sabotage our attempts to find peace in the Lord! But, through Christ, you can have the victory!
Our Purpose is to glorify God by helping those with self-destructive thoughts, behaviors, or bondages to experience freedom through a vibrant, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe that Christian growth through study of God’s word, confession of sins, and prayer for strength and growth from our brothers and sisters in Christ is the Biblical prescription to overcoming any and every obstacle that keeps us from experiencing the victorious life in Christ that God has planned. (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 5:16) For this reason we study God’s word deeply, share our real hurts and failures, and pray for each other that God would forgive us and sanctify us through His Spirit and for His glory.
Pathway To Freedom is committed to helping you find the genuine joy of the “abundant life” Jesus promised!
At times you may ask yourself, “Does anyone really care about what I’m going through?” We, in the Pathway To Freedom Ministry can say, “God cares about you … and we do also! (I Peter 5:7)
Through the Pathway To Freedom Ministry you’ll gain friendship with those who genuinely care about what you are going through! We believe that “you count” … and we definitely care!
Tuesday Nights at 6:00 PM in the Awana Room
Childcare Provided: Ages 6 mo. – 12 yrs.