On Friday night, August 12th we will be having our annual Missions Banquet. The event will begin at 6:30 pm and end at approximately 8:30 pm. Our speakers are working in the Middle East in the area of education and strengthening churches.
We will also share about a possible short-term missions trip to Chile, as well as take an offering for our Missions Fund, which is used for that purpose, among other things.
The venue will be casual and we will be sharing a potluck dinner together, with the theme being international dishes. So, bring your favorite Mexican or Italian or Russian or Jewish or ? dish! A to M bring a main dish, N to S bring a salad (tabouli?), and T to Z bring a dessert (tiramisu?). Drinks and utensils will be provided.
So, if you want to know some of what God is doing in the Middle East, and hear about possibly getting involved in missions yourself, see you at the banquet! That’s Friday night, August 12th from 6:30 to 8:30.