Women’s Bible Studies
This is a great time to have women come together to learn more about God’s living and active Word and get to know each other and share.
On Thursday mornings beginning at 9:30 in the Conference Room Ally Camara and Eva Nelson lead a study “To live is Christ, the Life and Ministry of Paul” by Beth Moore.
If there is a subject or Bible study that you are interested in, or if you have any questions, please contact JoAnn Newsom through the church office.
Men’s Bible Studies
Friday mornings at 7 am in the church conference room, our men meet for Bible study and discipleship. We are currently studying and discussing the book “The Pursuit of Holiness” by Jerry Bridges. This is a rich time of prayer, lively discussion and the study of God’s Word. We pray for the needs of one another, our church, our community and our world. We would love for you to be a part of this great time.
So, if you are a man and are available from 7 to 8:30 am on Friday mornings, come be a part of something great that God is doing! This is a “come as you are” time, and if you have to leave early for work, don’t worry, if will still be a worthwhile investment of your time. See you there!