This coming December 17th, a Saturday morning, from 7:30 to 9:00 am we will be having our final men’s breakfast for 2016. At this breakfast we will be passing out the books for the Man 2 Man discipleship ministry and be having a short devotional and prayer time to top off the time together. This will be a great time of Food, fellowship and a time in God’s Word.
Following the breakfast we will be having a work day to get the church grounds ready for winter and for the celebration of Christmas the following weekend.
We will be having a Christmas eve service from 6-7:00 pm and we will be having our regular service from 10-11:30 the following morning. There will be no Sunday School on Christmas morning.
If your a man we heartily invite you to the breakfast, and all are invited to come and celebrate the birth of our Savior! See you there!